Green City CIM Platform

Platform Introduction

The Green City CIM Platform platform is based on various urban data, building multiple channels for data collection and aggregation, and collecting urban management data related to energy consumption, energy, and environmental protection. On this basis, the data is comprehensively applied, and further data modeling, visualization, and mining analysis are carried out to form a series of information products that can solve practical problems, promote energy conservation, consumption reduction, and emission reduction work efficiency improvement, and significantly improve urban energy utilization of gas mines


Core Functions

Establish a massive spatial data based on topographic maps, remote sensing images, raster maps, and 3D models, and develop a supporting geographic information data management platform to achieve data inspection, storage, query, retrieval, output, management, update, maintenance, and publication, as well as functions such as data grid conversion and data overlay.


Spatial Data Modeling, Visualization, Datamining